Automated Teeth Disease Classification using Deep Learning Models


  • Shima Minoo Department of Dentistry, Isfahan Azad University, Isfahan, Iran Author
  • Fariba Ghasemi Islamic Azad University Author


Teeth Disease Classification, Deep Learning, Caries, Calculus


This study explores the application of deep learning models for the classification of common teeth diseases, including Calculus, Tooth Discoloration, and Caries, using JPG images of teeth. The manual diagnosis of dental diseases through visual inspection can be prone to error and variability, highlighting the need for automated solutions. In this work, we utilize three convolutional neural network (CNN) architectures—VGG16, VGG19, and ResNet50—to classify teeth diseases from a dataset of labeled teeth images. Each model was trained and evaluated using 5-fold cross-validation to ensure robust performance. Our results demonstrate that ResNet50 outperforms the other models with an accuracy of 95.23%, precision of 94.38%, recall of 92.87%, and an F1-score of 93.62%. VGG19 also shows strong performance with an accuracy of 92.41%, while VGG16 achieves an accuracy of 88.26%.


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