Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis Using Advanced Deep Learning Models with Histopathology Images
Deep Learning, Ovarian Cancer, Histopathology ImagesAbstract
The classification of ovarian cancer through advanced deep learning models presents a noteworthy challenge in the field of medical diagnosis, given potential implications for patient health and wellbeing. In this study, our focus is on automating the classification of ovarian cancer using cutting-edge deep-learning models such as VGG-19, ResNet-50, InceptionV3, and EfficientNetV2. Each model employs transfer learning, drawing insights from an extensive dataset consisting of various imaging modalities, eventually categorizing them into five clearly defined ovarian cancer conditions: (1) HGSC - High-Grade Serous Carcinoma, (2) CC - Clear-Cell Ovarian Carcinoma, (3) EC - Endometrioid, (4) LGSC - Low-Grade Serous, and (5) MC - Mucinous Carcinoma. The training dataset contains samples that are all characterized by distinct cellular morphologies, etiologies, molecular and genetic profiles, and clinical attributes, encompassing all five cancer subtypes. Our analysis demonstrates that among the models assessed, EfficientNetV2 showcases exceptional performance, achieving an impressive classification accuracy of 98.11%, precision of 99.3%, and a recall of 99.1%, outperforming the other models.
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