A PSO-based Neural Network for Multiple-response Optimization


  • Hossein Abbasi Islamic Azad University Author
  • Rassoul Noorossana Islamic Azad University Author
  • Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam Author


Design of experiments, Multiple response optimization


An important problem in manufacturing or product and process design is the optimization of several responses simultaneously. Common approaches for multiple response optimization problems often begin with estimating the relationship between responses as outputs and control factors as inputs. Among these methods, response surface methodology (RSM), has attracted more attention in recent years, but in certain cases, the relationship between responses and control factors is far too complex to be efficiently estimated by regression models and the RSM method especially when we want to optimize several responses simultaneously. An alternative approach proposed in this paper is to use an artificial neural network (ANN) to estimate the response functions, Because of the high mean square error (MSE) in the neural network training step we use heuristic algorithms instead of Descent Gradient-based algorithms. In the optimization phase, a particle swarm optimization (PSO) and desirability function are considered to determine the optimal settings for the control factors. Two case studies from the literature are prepared to illustrate the strength of the proposed approach in optimizing multiple response problems.



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